In support of a vision for a more neurodiverse workplace, SAP launched the annual Autism at Work Summit in 2016. The partnerships of an ever-growing list of companies have come together for the third year who place an emphasis on hiring people with Autism. The Autism at Work Summit creates a platform for academia, public and private sector, philanthropy, civil societies, service providers and the community to come together and to inspire imagination, ideation and collaboration by sharing from all of the wisdom and expertise that is assembled under one roof for three days. This is the only annual meeting of its kind in the world. The town of Redmond, WA is where it all started for Microsoft. And Microsoft, in turn, has played a significant role in the development of the Seattle area. The commute to work is made easy with Wi-Fi powered shuttles, and once on campus the lunch options are nearly endless with more than two dozen world-class cafes and restaurants. On any given day, emp...